Electric pedal assist

Image by fasialovers for Noun Project

Image by fasialovers for Noun Project

What is pedal assist? Electric pedal assist bicycles are a brilliant invention designed to flatten  hills, and to turn modest effort into solid transportation. Electric assist bicycles have all the great qualities of high quality bikes. They are light weight, inexpensive to operate, and are easy to maintain, as long as the bike is one of the very reliable brands sold today at good bike shops like Blue Heron Bikes. The assist makes it possible to ride everywhere you need to go, with modest effort. To really appreciate the elegant beauty of these bikes it is necessary to try one out. Come by here any time from 9-6 on Monday through Saturday; any day except Sunday. No appointment is necessary. Just drop by and try this out. You'll be amazed, and delighted. It's the best thing since....the bike!